IMPROVE User Group
The current IMPROVE consortium agreed to form an interest group to continue the development of the IMPROVE calculation modules. The IMPROVE Project showed already their successful utilization within the structural optimization platforms (LBR-5, OCTOPUS/MAESTRO and ConStruct). The interest in the continuation of their development exists among the main tool developers and integration desktop providers. The post improve user group will serve as a formal agreement to continue the research and development of the tools and their application. Therefore, the following steps are within the scope of the first year agreement:
1. The calculation modules will be benchmarked and validated with standardized structure and defined boundaries.
2. The findings of the benchmark study will be published in scientific papers
3. Harmonization of the source codes of the modules
4. Generation of harmonized user guides for the calculation modules
5. Consideration of the publication of the source codes under a public license agreement
6. Involvement of young scientists to utilize the calculation modules in their research
7. Balance provides a Work package 10 on the IMPROVE Website to enable the exchange of documents and correspondence.
Furthermore, the post Improve user group targets to apply for a coordination action project to continue the development of existing and new modules.
The duration of the agreement covers 1 full year until the 31. September 2010, and a continuation will follow upon interest and if the goals of the first year are met.
For further information please contact:
Sören Ehlers
Helsinki University of Technology
Department of Applied Mechanics / Marine Technology
P.O.Box 5300, FIN-02015 TKK, Finland
tel. +358 9 451 3497
fax +358 9 451 3493